more tips here Cap and Trade - Smart Grids: other Way for Big Brother to Get Into Your Home
First thing first; before we talk about "Smart Grid", we will recognize the long list of regulations that the Epa (Environmental safety Agency) has pushed into effect absent congressional approval. The following is a list of regulations or rules that the Epa has implemented, changed or altered without congressional approval. These were taken from the Federal Register's website and were chosen randomly. Even as this report is being written the Texas Attorney general is battling the Epa over the Obama Administration's "Energy Tax", that they are trying to force down America's throat. Incidentally, the Tax and regulation of carbon emissions will cost Americans thousands of jobs and thousands of dollars per house each year. Those jobs lost will go to foreign nations ultimately in a Socialist effort at global redistribution of wealth.
Cap and Trade - Smart Grids: other Way for Big Brother to Get Into Your Home
January 2, 2009
- safety of Stratospheric Ozone: observation 23 for essential New Alternatives policy Program
February 3, 2009
- Oil Pollution Prevention; Non-Transportation connected Onshore Facilities; Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Rule-Final Amendments
March 20, 2009
- Approval and compulsion of Implementation Plans; Texas; Revisions to Permits by Rule and Regulations for control of Air Pollution by Permits for New building or Modification
April 22, 2009
- Approval and compulsion of Air potential Implementation Plans; Texas; inexpensive added develop Plan, Motor vehicle Emissions Budgets, and 2002 Base Year Emissions Inventory; Houston-Galveston-Brazoria 1997 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area
May 21, 2009
- Approval of Proposed Interpollutant Trading Request; Pennsylvania; control of Fine Particulate Matter
June 9, 2009
- National Emission Standards for perilous Air Pollutants From the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry
July 6, 2009
- Restructuring of the Stationary Source Audit Program
- Approval and compulsion of Air potential Implementation Plans; West Virginia; Clean Air Interstate Rule
- Definition of Solid Waste collective Meeting; prolongation of comment Period
August 8, 2009
- Inert Ingredients; prolongation of productive Date of Revocation of certain Tolerance Exemptions with Insufficient Data for Reassessment
September 30, 2009
- Approval and compulsion of Air potential Implementation Plans; Revised Format for Materials Being Incorporated by Reference for New Hampshire
October 9, 2009
- Inert Ingredients; prolongation of productive Date of Revocation of certain Tolerance Exemptions with Insufficient Data for Reassessment
November 13, 2009
- Air potential Designations for the 2006 24-Hour Fine Particle (Pm2.5 - National Oil and perilous Substance Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List: Partial Deletion of the California Gulch Superfund Site
- Revisions to the Arizona State Pm-10 Implementation Plan; Maricopa County Air potential Department
December 8, 2009
- National Oil and perilous Substance Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List
- relinquishment of the Emission-Comparable Fuel Exclusion Under Rcra
- National Oil and perilous Substance Pollution Contingency Plan National Priorities List - primary National Ambient Air potential accepted for Sulfur Dioxide Ja
The list you see above is an extract of one day from each month in the year 2009. This list is a demonstration of how regulated America has become. The fact of the matter is that the Epa doesn't need congressional approval in order to regulate. There are now regulations now that need an private to endure Epa federal training in order to make renovations to their home. This is absurd! The fact of the matter is that the federal government is using fears of environmental catastrophe in order to manipulate the populous, by excessively regulating our everyday lives. Before we know it we will not be able to do anyone without government permission or approval.
The Global Warming Hoax
Just as Al Gore stated that he invented the internet, he is equally insane for driving the "Global Warming" bus. Global warming is nothing more than a catalyst for government control, a money production project using the Cap and Tax theory and an in for "Global Governance". Fact of the matter is this; 3,000 United Nations Scientists promulgated the Global Warming theory based on isolated "Environmental Warming" phenomenon at varied parts of the world. These "Warming" phenomenon were taken out of context and backed by junk science and entertainment media. Here are some environmental facts:
New data is indicating that the warming duration that was caused by the nearnessy of the earth to the sun in ending and the planet is cooling down.
Fact, in the last two years the climatic characteristic of the earth has cooled off approximately.3 to.6 degrees Celsius and continues to cool.
Maps of the polar ice caps have shown that they have stopped melting and have begun to grow and the seas are no longer raising.
The majority of scientists are chronic their anti global warming mental with only 17 percent of meteorologists according with the government's global warming deception.
The pin-up species of global warming, the polar bear, is increasing in number, not decreasing.
After Western environmentalists succeeded in banning or suppressing the use of the pesticide Ddt, the rate of death by malaria rose into the millions. Some scholars appraisal the death toll at 20 million or more, most of them children.
Dr Rajendra Pachauri, the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on atmosphere convert (Ipcc), is being investigated for financial irregularities, conflicts of interest and scientific distortion. He has already admitted publishing false data.
The biofuels industry has exacerbated world hunger. Diverting huge amounts of grain crops (as certain from sugar cane) to biofuels has contributed to a rise in world food prices, felt acutely in the poorest nations.
The climatic characteristic growth came first: most of the climatic characteristic growth was before 1940, and most of the new carbon dioxide was added after 1960.
Most scientists use facts and logic to reach conclusions. It's no surprise that over 17,000 scientists and engineers have signed a request for retrial calling for rejection of the Kyoto treaty. This overshadows any range of scientists that have endorsed the treaty.
The Kyoto Protocol called for the U.S. And other western nations to shoulder most of the limits on fossil fuel power use. Developing countries suffer microscopic or no restrictions. Those countries are obviously enthusiastic. The economic powerhouses would have their hands tied, while would-be competitors like mainland China would not.
Al Gore and others have a vested interest in a Cap and Trade Carbon Emission Trading Software company named Hara which stands to make Carbon trading a 10 - 25 billion dollar market.
Cap and Trade is well a Cap and Tax that would re distribute wealth globally to nations that have no restrictions all in the name of "Environmental Reparations".
The list goes on and on.
Understanding the nature of the beast
Now we understand that global warming is being pushed by the globalist elite as a manner of causing fear and panic, or an engineered crisis for a better use of the term. They are using the "New World Order's" religion of Environmentalism as a means to instill crisis to adopt regulations and laws that infringe upon liberty and give the "Powers that be" total control. The environment is the safest recipe of indoctrination to a New World Order. The Environment affects us all, no matter where we live. It is complicated with every facet of our lives, and the global socialists know that as well. They understand very well that in order to control the world, they must have leverage that affects the entire globe. What better leverage than the planet that we all inhabit and the threat of global disaster on a megalithic scale?
Enter Smart Grid
So now they have taxed you, regulated you, fined you and even threatened to imprison you. If you view that they would stop there you were wrong. Enter Smart Grid. Smart Grid is introduced as power saving, cost productive and environmentally sound. What they aren't telling you as that this new way of power distribution will intrude upon your privacy and lower your potential of life. Smart Grid is essentially a monitored and controlled power grid. The provider would distribute power to your home based on a whole of variables. Essentially speaking they ration energy. Thats not all! Your power consumption will be tracked and monitored on Smart Grid. When you wake up, cook, shower, leave and come home from work will all be monitored. Your power may even be cut off if you consume too much energy. The whole of information that the government would be able to secure on each person based on power consumption is immense. Let's not forget about the idea of "Big Brother" telling you when you can cook, shower, play the Ps3 and more.
The option is Yours
In this report you were presented with a whole and range of facts. You were introduced to facts on the Us Environmental safety Agency, Global Warming, Cap and Trade and Smart Grid. Although Smart Grid is concerned in the title of this article; what the report is well about is far more profound. The speculate of this writing is to interrogate whether or not government and politics should work on science. We see that from the global warming scandal to the work on of Epa standards on the cheaper that the political decisions being made in the name of environmentalism work on us all. It appears that green is well red. Environmentally cordial appears to mean Global Socialism.
Ultimately as Americans we have the option to resolve whether we will continue to allow the Al Gores' and the George Soros' out there will continue to rape us and destroy our cheaper which will ultimately end our sovereignty. Or we can choose liberty and the right for man to rule himself. We can choose the Free Market; where each is awarded according to what they earn, or Socialism and global redistribution of wealth. As power and food prices sky rocket you decide.
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