Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Detroit River Tunnel Partnership

--Maps Of Pennsylvania of The Detroit River Tunnel Partnership--

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The Detroit River Tunnel Partnership (Drtp) is poised to build a new, high-capacity rail tunnel under the Detroit River to provide improved freight assistance in the middle of the United States and Canada. The Drtp is an equal partnership in the middle of Canadian Pacific Railway (Cpr) and Borealis Infrastructure Trust.

The Detroit River Tunnel Partnership

Canadian Pacific Railway -- a critical Component of the United States/Canada communication Network

Canada and the United States have the largest bilateral trading association in the world. In 2005, the value of that trade reached over 0 billion. The economies of the United States and Canada are inextricably connected and Canadian Pacific Railway is critical to the success of that relationship.

Cpr owns over 13,800 miles of railroad track.

In the United States, the Cpr network covers the U.S. Commercial cities of Chicago, Il; Newark, Nj; Philadelphia, Pa; Washington, D.C.; New York, Ny; Detroit, Mi; and Buffalo, Ny. Thus the Cpr rail network is capable of servicing the whole Midwest of the United States stretching from New York to North Dakota.

The Cpr corridor that runs in the middle of Montreal, Detroit and Chicago is especially important. It links the major producing and consuming markets of the U.S. Midwest, Ontario, Quebec, and Western Europe.

Cpr is one of the safest Class 1 railroads in North America. In 2004, Cpr earned .7 billion in freight revenues -- with 10% of those revenues coming from the United States. In addition, Cpr employs over 15,600 workers -- including about 1,600 employed in the U.S.

Canadian Pacific Railway -- a critical Component of the United States/Canada communication Network

Honing in on the United States, the two maps below show the extent of the Cpr network throughout the U.S. And Canada and the tonnage those tracks carry.

Canadian Pacific Railway -- a Vital Economic communication Artery
for the Northeast and Midwest United States

The Canadian Pacific railroad main rail lines enter the United States at the Canadian borders in North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan and two places in New York. The network of Cpr mainline and tracks with running possession stretches, smile-like, from North Dakota, through Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New York. This region represents approximately 82 million Americans, or 28.6% of the U.S. Population, who live and work along this strategically foremost rail corridor. And an equal or larger ration of the Canadian population is served, as well.
Also, Cpr has large intermodal terminals at Chicago and Toronto serving the Chicago/Montreal corridor. Both of these facilities are expandable.

What Canadian Pacific Railway assistance Means to These

Northeast and Midwest States

The Midwestern states serviced by the Cpr network gain jobs. Millions of jobs rely on this rail system. Here is a breakdown of the jobs in the region:

These states employ over 34 million Americans. And, nearly five million manufacturing jobs reside in these ten states. Those jobs depend on the raw materials, auto parts, and other components carried on the Cpr tracks.

Canadian Pacific Railway Has a Strong Economic nearnessy in Midwestern States

As an operating railroad, Cpr spends millions of dollars annually on its business, contributing to the economies of states throughout the Midwest. During 2005, Cpr spent nearly 0 million in these six states alone.

Canadian Pacific railroad Is Equally foremost to the Economies of Ontario and All of Canada

Ontario Leads in Population

As mentioned before, Canada is the United States' largest trading partner. And Ontario is the economic motor of Canada. The Detroit, Michigan/Windsor, Ontario gateway is the busiest border in the world.

This one province contributes over 40 percent of Canada's total employment. Ontario has 12,541,000 residents manufacture it the most populous province in Canada.

Ontario Is Close to Millions of Consumers

Ontario is well positioned to help Canada assistance the U.S. Market. Over 135 million Americans are within a day's drive of southern Ontario. These U.S. Residents report 44 percent of the U.S. population and 48 percent of the total U.S. Personal income.

In addition, southeastern Ontario is the gateway to the U.S. through the Detroit/Windsor crossing. Over 450,000 rail cars and over 3.5 million trucks use this crossing yearly. From there, trains and trucks have easy access to the rest of the United States.

It is clear that the Cpr track law is a key element in delivering the products needed to keep millions of Americans working in the Midwest. And, it is also clear that this law is jeopardized by the restrictions of a 100-year-old tunnel in Detroit that is not adequate for the next-generation rail cars coming on line.

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