Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Kurtz Fish Hatchery - Elverson, Pa

###Kurtz Fish Hatchery - Elverson, Pa### Advertisements

Kurtz Fish Hatchery is a leader among fish hatcheries, and owner Richard A. Kurtz is well known for his total knowledge of the industry. Settled in Chester County, in southeastern Pennsylvania, Kurtz Fish Hatchery specializes in raising fish for the sports market. This hatchery is licensed to furnish the following sport fish: Bass (Hybrid Striped, Largemouth), Channel Catfish, Crayfish, American Eel, coarse Goldfish, Fathead and Rosey Red Minnows, Mussels, Golden Shiner, Pumpkinseed Sunfish, Tadpoles, and Rainbow Trout. It is one of fourteen approved dealers that have received permits from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission to import, transport, and sell Triploid Grass Carp in the state. The Triploid Grass Carp is used for low cost, herbicide free, aquatic weed control in ponds and lakes, is imported from Asia, and is genetically altered at hatcheries to forestall the fish from spawning.

Map Pennsylvania Counties

Pennsylvania fish farmers grow over twenty species of sport fish. Two-thirds of Pennsylvania's million worth of farmed fish are used for sports fish stocking. Probably the most widely distributed and popular warm water sport fish in southeast Pennsylvania is the Largemouth Bass. The Hybrid Striped Bass do well in ponds, grow quickly in ponds, and are becoming popular as sport fish.

One hypothesize Kurtz Fish Hatchery is a leader in the commerce is excellence in fish and pond management. Pond administration is increasingly more leading and requires specialized techniques for warmer Pennsylvania waters. Small ponds are best for a slight whole of game fish species: Bass, Sunfish and Catfish. Lake fish (Pike, Muskellunge and Walleye) do not do well in a small pond setting. Most warm shallow ponds in southeastern Pennsylvania will not keep Trout, because the water temperatures are too warm, resulting in a lack of oxygen.

Ponds need to be considered managed with respect to plant density. Too much density in aquatic plant beds will stunt Sunfish, and sell out the effectiveness of Largemouth Bass as people controls on Bluegill. There is a delicate balance in the middle of the two populations that needs to be maintained. Large amounts of decomposing material left in the pond can also deplete oxygen.

Farm raised fish are grown under conditions that give them plenty of space to move and originate their muscles as they grow. Some species are raised in pond conditions with slight synthetic food added to their diet. This means great survival and vitality after stocking. If not handled properly, a consequent will be stunted Sunfish and undersized Largemouth Bass. There is a need for a proper ratio of Bass to Sunfish, or overpopulation will stunt the Sunfish. Caught Bluegills should never be returned to ponds because of their capability to reproduce and crowd the ponds.

Broad and detailed knowledge of both fish farming and pond administration are what make Kurtz Fish Hatchery a reliable and resourceful dealer in southeastern Pennsylvania. For additional facts or if you have questions unanswered, please touch the enterprise directly.

Kurtz Fish Hatchery
161 Isabella Road
Elverson, Pa 19520
(610) 286-9250

Kurtz Fish Hatchery - Elverson, Pa

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